Spiked With Pearls Amigurumi & Such: 2006-06-18

Your place to read about updates about amigurumi and other fun things going on with my Etsy store. www.spikedwithpearls.etsy.com

Friday, June 23, 2006

Once again another robot was put up and then disappeared the very next day! The person who bought this one asked me to donate some of my robots to an art show in November. My name and website would be in the program. Talk about good publicity.

Meet Mortimer the vegetarian Carnivorous Dinosaur-bot.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I listed Frieda the butterfly-bot up on etsy on Saturday and she magically sold the next day! I also sold my strawberry kiwi kiwi bird and my monster cozy! I'm up to thirteen items sold now!! Hurrah!

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